The illegal cargo, worth 120 million euros, found between pineapple juice and sesame bags
Two loads equal to 790 kilos of pure cocaine were seized in the port of Gioia Tauro by the financiers of the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria and by officials of the local office of the Customs and Monopolies Agency.according Shipping Italy reported
The seized cocaine, once placed on the market, according to investigators’ estimates, would have brought in around 120 million euros.The Fiamme Gialle of the Gioia Tauro Group and the ADM personnel checked two suspicious containers carrying pineapple juice and bags of sesame.
Once opened, cocaine was found inside. The operation took place as part of the ordinary control procedures at customs gates, during which accurate inspections are carried out on a significant part of the thousands of containers in transit daily, also with the help of the canine units of the Guard Group. finance of Gioia Tauro. During 2024,
A total of approximately 3.8 tonnes of cocaine have so far been seized in the Port of Gioia Tauro. The port once again confirms itself as an important crossroads for illicit trafficking, to combat which a control device has long been put in place by the Financial Police and the Customs and Monopolies Agency.
#GDF #ReggioCalabria in collaborazione con @admgov sequestrati presso il porto di Gioia Tauro quasi 800 kg di cocaina. La sostanza, se immessa sul mercato, avrebbe potuto fruttare un illecito profitto per oltre 120 milioni di euro.#NoiconVoi #nellaTradizioneilFuturo
— Guardia di Finanza (@GDF) October 26, 2024
Read more :
280 kg New large-scale cocaine seizure in the port of Gioia Tauro
Port of Rotterdam : Drug Busts Cocaine Discovered in One Week