Appointments 4 members of vice presidents of ( Federagenti ) ’Maritime Tickers.png

Appointments 4 members of vice presidents of ( Federagenti )

The “governing” team of the National Federation of Maritime Recommended Agents and Maritime Brokers ( Federagenti ) was completed yesterday and is chaired by Paolo Pessina from Genoa, who officially took office on 25 October

Paolo Pessina nuovo presidente della Federazione Agenti Marittimi - Economia del Mare

The first Board of Directors  of ( Federagenti ) which took place in Rome, the association informs, appointed the four vice-presidents, coming from different professional sectors and from different geographical areas: they are Barbara Carabetti, from the Lazio area and with a specialization in cruise sector in the port of Civitavecchia; Vito Totorizzo, from the Puglia area, considered one of the doyens of the category; Paolo Spada, from Friuli Venezia Giulia, involved transversally in the main sectors of activity of the port of Trieste; Enrico Bonistalli, from Tuscany, historic representative of the port community of Livorno.

4 dicembre vicepresidenti

The elective assembly of the yacht section was also held in Federagenti, which elected Fabrizio Palombo of Porto Santo Stefano as president.

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About Federagenti

Federagenti is the National Federation of Maritime Agents and Maritime Brokers and operates throughout the national territory through the individual trade associations present in 22 cities and covering all 144 Italian ports . (Federagenti is the only business association in the port maritime sector).

Assagenti represents companies operating in the various shipping sectors: liner shipping agencies, tramp and cruise shipping agencies , shipping and chartering brokers, manning agents and pleasure boating operators.

Source : Shipping Italy+ press- release

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