Event by Aipert AI in the Marine precious tool or hidden danger Maritime Tickers

Event by Aipert :AI in the “Marine”: precious tool or hidden danger?

The point of view of the experts compared with the other stakeholders on the occasion of the usual annual event organized by the Aipert association

On October 10th, the Italian Association of Transport Experts, better known as AIPerT, will hold its annual event in Genoa, this year focused on a particularly current theme, namely artificial intelligence.

Technological evolution

Like everything related to technological evolution, the topic and above all the use of AI has undergone a considerable acceleration in recent times and this is the reason why the experts have decided to deal with this new, very challenging reality. for their profession.

For this reason, the Transport Experts decided to engage with their stakeholders to develop a topic which, otherwise, could represent, as the title of the day also says, a hidden danger.


AIPerT has already had the opportunity to demonstrate in the past the importance of the centrality of the Transport Expert

Today we would like to add the centrality of the Human Expert, because the risk could be to consider AI as the panacea that solves all problems, forgetting that the the results that AI provides must be subjected to critical analysis and this can only be done by those with professionalism and skills.

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Future professionalism

That this is a topic with an impact on current professionalism, but above all future professionalism, is also demonstrated by the fact that the world of schools will also be present on the day.

This represents welcome news for AIPerT because it demonstrates that, once again, the Transport Experts have been able to identify a particularly current and interesting topic.

The interventions of the two A.I.Per.T members will focus on:

The first on the applications of AI in the management of transport claims, with a probable improvement in terms of efficiency of the services themselves, while at the same time emerging the consideration that the lack of empathy, creativity and human flexibility can lead to a less personalized and less sensitive to customers’ specific needs;

The second in particular on a “practical” example of possible interaction and/or cooperation between human intelligence (expert) and artificial intelligence, with at least critical outcomes

The end of conferance

The conference will end, after the interventions of the other main speakers (companies, lawyers, insurers), with a round table in which the participants will discuss the main themes that emerged during the day, with a discussion aimed at encouraging possible involvement of the public

Source : Shipping Italy

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