Guang Rong ship headed for seizure after the collision Maritime Tickers

Guang Rong ship headed for seizure after the collision

In the next few hours the priority will be to surround the hull with anti-pollution barriers and extract the fuel. Only then will we proceed with the removal

After the scare caused by the maritime accident which occurred late to the Guang Rong ship along the coast between Marina di Carrara and Massa due to the strong south-westerly wind and adverse sea conditions, we are starting to count the damage and above all we proceeds with the coordination of activities useful for drawing up an intervention plan aimed at preventing potential pollution risks.

No description available.

The investigation

In the last few hours, a first meeting was held at the local Port Authority, followed by another appointment at the prosecutor’s office because, according to what SHIPPING ITALY learned, the ship (built 24 years ago in China) will be seized following the the opening of an investigation useful to ascertain the causes of the maritime accident and the technical reasons why the hull became ungovernable by the crew (rescued without injuries) ending up seriously damaging the final part of the pier which extends from the beach of Marina di Massa.


The P&I club Steamship Mutual

The P&I club Steamship Mutual, a mutual insurance company represented in Italy by the brokerage firm Cambiaso Risso Marine and the lawyer Marco Paggini of the law firm Vaudo Paggini & C. of Livorno, will pay the damages to third parties. The expert in charge of dealing with the accident on behalf of the P&I Club and the insurance brokerage company is Marco Calabria, expert surveyor of the Mare company (Marine Experts).

Preliminary investigations

The chief prosecutor Piero Capizzoto confirmed that the prosecutor’s office has started “preliminary investigations aimed at ascertaining, in full compliance with the defense guarantees, any profiles of guilt that may have had a causal impact on the shipwreck”; for this reason the seizure of the ship was ordered “subject to carrying out the activities necessary for its complete safety”.

The risk of possible fuel spills into the sea

The Labromare anti-pollution company and the Fratelli Neri towing company have already been pre-alerted by the maritime authority to intervene, as soon as the sea calms down, in order to delimit the body of water around the ship, preventing the risk of possible fuel spills into the sea . Since the seabed is sandy, the hull should not have suffered any leaks but any risk cannot be underestimated given that there are 100 tons of bunkers and 6,000 liters of lubricating oil on board.

The cargo, represented by approximately 9 thousand tons of crushed stone purchased from Fincantieri, embarked in the port of Marina di Carrara and destined for the work on the new Genoa dam, remained almost entirely in the hold and did not fall into the sea.

 It is the noteworthy that GUANG RONG (IMO: 9236133) is a Deck Cargo Ship and is sailing under the flag of Cyprus. Her length overall (LOA) is 103.8 meters and her width is 25 meters according to Marine Traffic

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