To help ensure safety of fishing vessels and domestic ferries not covered by regulations under IMO’s Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) treaty, IMO has organized a national workshop in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
26 Participants
Twenty-six participants, including ship surveyors and inspectors, domestic ferries, and small fishing vessels operators, were familiarised with key safety regulations to improve the monitoring, reporting and safety of vessels.
Model Regulations
This supports Cote d’Ivoire to further develop its capacities to strengthen domestication and implementation of related regulatory measures including the Model Regulations on Domestic Ferry Safety.
IMO: Model for ImplementingTreaties for Safe and Legal Fishing
(ITCP) programme
The workshop was delivered through IMO‘s Integrated technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP) with the General Directorate of Maritime and Port Affairs of Cote d’Ivoire