Businesses operating in the shipping and fisheries sectors are invited to express their interest in joining the Marine Plastic Litter Global Industry Alliance (GIA).
The alliance will bring together maritime and fisheries industry leaders, with the aim of developing innovative solutions to prevent and reduce ocean plastics, while addressing common barriers to the uptake of technologies and alternative approaches.
leading GIAs
Leveraging IMO’s experience in establishing and leading GIAs, including on greenhouse gas emissions and biofouling, this new alliance will address marine plastic litter originating from shipping and fisheries sectors.
The Marine Plastic Litter GIA will be managed by IMO as part of its OceanLitter Programme – a portfolio of projects that includes the GloLitter Partnerships project (GloLitter) and Regional Litter Project (RegLitter). It will build on and replace the project-specific GIA established previously under the GloLitter project.
Marine Plastic Litter
The Marine Plastic Litter GIA is expected to include a wide spectrum of maritime stakeholders, including shipowners, ports, fisheries industry, recycling companies, technology and data providers and class societies. A taskforce will steer workstreams and activities.
Green solutions
Members will convene on a regular basis to share knowledge and expertise including through roundtable dialogues, develop industry guidelines and tools to help address plastic litter, and raise awareness of potential green solutions through studies and other activities.
As appropriate.
Outputs from these activities will be shared with IMO bodies such as the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and the London Convention/Protocol for their information and action, as appropriate.
Membership of the Marine Plastic Litter GIA is limited to industry companies only, defined as:
Individual, for-profit, commercial businesses or companies including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives, whether national or multinational;
State-owned enterprises, to the extent that they behave or operate as commercial businesses or companies; or Corporate foundations directly funded and/or governed by business.
Business associations and other entities, such as in the public sector or academia, are not eligible for formal membership, but may be invited to participate in specific workstreams or activities.
To be considered for membership, companies should be able to clearly demonstrate the following:
Commitment/in addressing sea-based sources of marine plastic litter (SBMPL)
Willingness to actively engage and contribute
High-level of commitment (financial and technical in-kind contribution)
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Companies interested in becoming a member are invited to submit an EOI of no more than two pages, to include the following:
Rationale for joining the Marine Plastic Litter GIA;
Current initiatives addressing marine plastic litter within the company (if any);
Details on potential technical expertise or contribution (e.g. reviewing and providing feedback on Marine Plastic Litter GIA documents and products, co-drafting publications, and providing input to industry roundtable meetings. A minimum of 25 days per year of in-kind technical expertise is expected);
Confirmation of annual membership fee of $20,000 technical in-kind contribution; and
Any other relevant information to be considered.
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Have a nice weekend
Magdy Sadek
Editor in Chief