The port of Genoa will host a new single office – the largest in Italy – for customs activities. Roberto Alesse director of the Customs and Monopolies Agency, announced this today during a visit to the Territorial Directorate of Liguria. Shipping Italy reported
The new Adm ‘Genoa’ office that will unite customs activities in the port, will be “essential to integrate customs and monopolistic functions into a single operational hub,” said Alesse,
adding that the Ligurian port, the first in Italy in terms of economic-financial volume, contributes 2.5 billion euros to the Treasury annually.
During the meeting, Alesse also presented the details of the new territorial reorganization of the Adm, approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance last June, which will have a significant impact also for the Liguria region.
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“Liguria is a strategic territory not only for the Customs and Monopolies Agency, but for the entire economic system of the country,” he said.
In his speech, Alesse then highlighted the five pillars underlying the reform: the unification of competences, the operational strengthening of anti-fraud, the speeding up of controls, the clarity in the attribution of competences and the regionalization of the territory.
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“The main objective is to build a coherent and uniform territorial structure, eliminating fragmentation and overlaps, to offer more efficient public services,” he said.
The event, concludes the note from the Customs Agency, “reaffirmed the central role of Liguria in the new organizational structure of the Adm and marked the beginning of a path that will bring greater efficiency and integration of customs and monopolistic services in the Liguria region”.