According to the unions, four workers were suddenly cut and replaced by artificial intelligence
Four employees of the company Maersk Italia Spa in the Customer Service department were suddenly fired. These employees went to the office, as they do every day, without any inkling of what would happen shortly thereafter; their managers in fact called them in the morning for a ‘performance meeting’, during which they received dismissal letters and the order to return the company PC and go home immediately. according to Shipping Italy
The Genoa office
The company not only decided to move these jobs to Manila, in the Philippines, but also replaced part of the tasks previously performed by workers at the Genoa office with the use of Artificial Intelligence” reconstructs the union proclamation note
Address the problem in advance
In this way, a company with a mind-blowing turnover (we are talking about a net profit of 208 million euros for the first quarter of 2024) decides to save money on the backs of its workers.
There was no desire on the part of the company to find a relocation for these workers in another department, or at least to address the problem in advance.
Without any warning or communication
Without any warning or communication, they simply decided to lay off people with over 25 years of seniority from one day to the next, without any qualms or respect for the dignity of the people involved, who a few days earlier had even received a commendation for their seniority at Maersk” the unions add, stigmatizing how, “despite the strong interest in the Blue Economy that we often hear mentioned, some companies prefer to move work to other countries, which have lower wages and regulatory rights than ours, or even rely on AI, to save negligible amounts compared to their turnover, thus impoverishing the economic fabric of our territory
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