The Port of Pilbara one of Australia’s most valuable ports.
The Pilbara region has achieved a remarkable milestone, with a record 758.3 million tonnes of exports passing through its ports in the 2023-24 financial year.
This marks the fifth consecutive year of record-breaking throughput for Pilbara Ports.
Nation’s economy
The Port of Port Hedland contributed significantly to this achievement with a throughput of 573.6 million tonnes, solidifying its status as one of Australia’s most valuable ports.
The commodities exported through Pilbara Ports in 2023-24 were valued at an estimated $173.2 billion, highlighting the significance of the region to the nation’s economy and to the global supply chain.
Government investment
Commonwealth and State Government investment in major projects, such as Lumsden Point in the Port of Port Hedland and the Dampier Cargo Wharf in the Port of Dampier, are driving demand for regional jobs in the Pilbara, with 74 per cent of Pilbara Ports contract spend remaining within Western Australia and almost 45 per cent invested in Pilbara-based businesses.
Iron ore trade
Pilbara Ports play a crucial role in facilitating Australia’s iron ore trade, handling approximately 80 per cent of the national trade and 43 per cent of the global trade.
Australian salt production.
Salt exports through the ports of Port Hedland and Dampier totalled 7.1 million tonnes in 2023-24, accounting for about 51 per cent of Australian salt production.
The strong financial result was achieved with more than 7,700 safe vessel visits, equating to an average of 21 vessel visits each day across four operational ports.
Economic powerhouse
Comments attributed to Ports Minister David Michael:
“The Pilbara is the economic powerhouse of the nation, and these impressive results are a clear example of that.
“The State Government continues to invest in infrastructure projects that fuel future prosperity and support regional jobs growth.
“It’s fantastic to see Pilbara Ports continuing to meet industry’s growing export needs, as strong economic conditions across the Pilbara increase demand for port services.”
Gateways connecting the global market
Comments attributed to Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel:
“Communities in the Pilbara continue to benefit from the success of our ports, with many local businesses being involved in achieving this strong result.
World stage
“Our ports are gateways connecting the Pilbara to the global market, and I am proud of the significant impact we make on the world stage.”
Western Australia’s eight port
Pilbara Ports was established on 1 July 2014, as a result of the Ports Legislation Amendment Act 2014 consolidating seven of Western Australia’s eight port authorities into four new regional port authorities.