Tension and strike in Port Authority in Naples Maritime Ticker.jpg

Tension and strike in Port Authority in Naples

The unions accuse the body chaired by Annunziata of denying the Ccnl, who replies: “Necessary revision of contractual institutions to which the dependent staff had no right”

A day of strike by workers of the Port System Authority of Naples and Salerno has been called for tomorrow by the regional secretariats of Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti.

The reason for the initiative is a resolution adopted by the Management Committee of the institution at the end of November on the proposal of the president Andrea Annunziata and the general secretary Giuseppe Grimaldi, which resolves to accept the agreement minutes on the new National Collective Labor Agreement signed by the association representing the Adsp (Assoporti), but doubts are raised on a couple of clauses of the same.

Napoli Autorità Portuale entrance AM_2947 (2)

In particular, the Committee has given “a mandate to the President to request the following clarifications from the Supervisory Ministry regarding the economic-financial compatibility of the renewal for the year 2027 and the specific annex relating to the Port System Authorities: the legitimacy of a contractual clause called the element of non-renewal of the contract to be paid in July 2027,

The payment of which cannot be quantified at this time as it is equal to 40% of the IPCA index expected for the year 2027, thus making it impossible to verify, even presumptively – given the lack of provision for the ADSPs to draft the multi-year budget – the economic-financial compatibility of this element, which cannot be determined in quantum; the compatibility of the so-called ‘Remuneration element ex A.P.’ with respect to the content of paragraph 2 of art. 23 of Law 84/94.

An unacceptable initiative according to the unions: “By denying its prerogatives as “arbitrator” on the verifications and application controls of the rules and of the Ports’ National Collective Labour Agreement, the top management of the Authority aims to delegitimize national collective bargaining, the Negotiating Parties and at the same time its own representative signatory Association, Assoporti

The irritation of the three trade unions forced to communicate to the workers of the AdSP of Naples and Salerno the loss of benefits acquired over time or the return of sums received in the past, to which they were not entitled, seems understandable, but it is clear that such responsibility cannot fall on this Administration which is required by law to operate in the sole and exclusive interest of public affairs

Source : Shipping Italy

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