Assiterminal announced that its private assembly unanimously elected Tomaso Cognolato as president for the next two years. The latter will be joined, within the newly established Presidential Board by Antonio Barbara (CEO of Hhla Plt Italy),
Antonio Pandolfo (president as well as sales and marketing director of European terminal services), Luca Trevisan (manager of human resources and organization of Contship Italia), Carlo Merli and Luca Becce as past president.according to Shipping Italy
The Board of Directors elected last year, to which are added Giuliana Brucato (managing director of Automar) and Paolo Cornetto (a.d. of Fhp Port Holding), as already determined in the last assembly, will go ahead for the next two years to consolidate the work done by the association “to confirm the climate of cooperation and cohesion that, with enthusiasm, has been recognized by all as an element of strength and proactivity of Assite.
Articulated program
Cognolato has presented an articulated program in continuity with the work carried out by Becce in these 7 and a half years and both the Board of Directors and the Assembly have evaluated usefully proceed with the consolidation of the commissions and working groups that will be formalized in the coming days.
Reorganizing the structure
Great participation of the representatives of the 88 member companies who wanted to pay Luca Becce a great thank you and a watch, a sign of the time to be shared again together.
Also confirmed by the director Alessandro Ferrari for a further four-year period with the task of reorganizing the structure, strengthening its incisive and propulsive capacity.
The central elements of the presidency program will be the subject of the interventions of Becce and Cognolato today July 17, during the public assembly to be held from 10 am at Unioncamere, also in Rome.
 88 companies in 32 ports
Assiterminal today represents 88 companies in 32 ports that operate in the harbour logistics and in the mobility of people. Almost 5,000 workers, about 70% of the container market handled in gateway ports, 90% of cruise traffic and automotive imports,
80% of the bulk break traffic and more than 50% of that of the motorways of the sea and ro-ro in general, in addition to the operators of the liquid bulk sector (from oil stores to those of vegetable oils).