Within the framework of the Authority’s keenness to open lines of communication with customers, ِ Admiral General Osama Rabie, Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, and Mr. Kostas Jakonis, Secretary General of the International Association of Dry Bulk Ship Owners (INTER CARGO), met to discuss ways of joint cooperation and discuss the impact of developments in the current situation in the Red Sea and Bab region. Al-Mandab, via video conference

The meeting was attended by Mr. Dimitris Monyours, Vice Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners, and Mr. Xian Yong, Director of Operations at the Association. From the Suez Canal Authority, Dr. Fathi Abdel Bari, Director of the Planning, Research and Studies Department, and Engineer Nashat Nasr El Din, Director of the Authority’s Movements Department, were present
The current circumstances and Suez Canal
At the beginning of the meeting, Admiral Rabie stressed the Suez Canal Authority’s keenness to open direct channels of communication with its customers and continuous coordination with all international organizations and bodies concerned with maritime affairs to discuss sailing policies in the Suez Canal in light of the current circumstances, and to agree on joint work mechanisms that can reduce the effects of the crisis on the movement of global trade.

Admiral General Rabie pointed out the negative consequences of the current crisis on the global trade movement and global supply chains, which are expressed by the successive and unprecedented increases in the prices of freight and fuel, in addition to the delayed arrival of goods and other challenges that have cast a shadow on the shipping community recently.
Completing work on the southern sector development project of canal
The Chairman of the SCA explained that the Suez Canal has taken several measures that would deal with the repercussions and challenges imposed by the current circumstances by providing a package of special maritime and navigation services such as maritime rescue services, ship maintenance and repair services, as well as maritime ambulance services.
Rabie added that the Suez Canal is continuing its efforts to develop the canal’s navigational course by completing work on the southern sector development project, in parallel with the development of its naval fleet and maritime services.
The greatest concern among the owners
For his part, Mr. Kostas Jaconis, Secretary General of the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners (INTER CARGO), stressed the importance that the Association attaches to the factor of navigational safety, as the safety of marine crews, ships and cargo remains the greatest concern among the owners of the organization’s bulk vessels, which number more than 3,000 vessels.
The Secretary-General of the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners expressed his aspiration for joint coordination with the Suez Canal Authority to inform members of the Association of developments related to developments in the situation in the Red Sea region, and to send the necessary reassuring messages to deal with the challenges related to the security factor until the situation in the region stabilizes.
The crisis requires joint cooperation
Meanwhile, Mr. Xian Yong, Director of Operations at the International Association of Bulk Ship Owners, expressed the International Association’s gratitude for the efforts made by the Suez Canal Authority to deal with the current challenges, stressing that the crisis requires joint cooperation and concerted efforts to reach work mechanisms that are in the interest of serving the shipping community, especially with the difficulty of forecasting. When the crisis ends.
Association closely following all developments occurring in the Red Sea region
Mr. Dimitris Mouniours, Vice Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners, stressed that the Association is closely following all developments occurring in the Red Sea region, and their subsequent negative impacts on international shipping traffic passing through the canal.
It is notworthy that the International Association of Dry Bulk Shipowners includes 157 members from 30 countries, and its main role is based on working with its members and international regulatory bodies in developing global legislation in cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and international bodies ٍtated by the official spokesman for the Suez Canal Authority George Safwat
The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) is representing the interests of quality dry cargo shipowners. INTERCARGO convened for the first time in 1980 in London and has been participating with consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) since 1993.
INTERCARGO provides the forum where dry bulk shipowners, managers and operators are informed about, discuss and share concerns on key topics and regulatory challenges, especially in relation to safety, the environment and operational excellence. The Association takes forward its Members’ positions to the IMO, as well as to other shipping and international industry fora, having free and fair competition as a principle.